The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: The Management and Treatment of Anger. Guest: Matthew Volzer, LMFT. Anger is a positive and useful emotion, if it is expressed appropriately. The long-term physical effects of uncontrolled anger include increased anxiety, high blood pressure and headaches. My guest Matthew Volzer is a therapist specializing in the treatment and management of anger, and will […]
OCD Sacramento- “Medication Discussion Group”
10419 Old Placerville Road, Suite 258, Sacramento, CA, United StatesPresented by Guy Taylor, BA, Ph.D Practicum Student. Topics in this discussion include~ what happens when we take medications, side effects of medications, how medications work, why we should take medications, and what we should consider when taking medication and the importance of talking to your doctor.
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show~ “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Social Anxiety. Effective Treatment Strategies for Successful Recovery. Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is the 2nd most common anxiety disorder among U.S. Americans. Paralyzed by fears of what others are thinking about them, this condition can have a dramatic impact on one's self-confidence and ability to make decisions about education, career, and social interactions. My […]
Sutter Family Medicine Residency Program
Topic: Non-medication Interventions in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. Often times when individuals seek treatment for anxiety disorders, the first line of treatment is to prescribe medications. Many people are not aware that frequently, anxiety can be treated without pharmacological interventions. This presentation is for residents at Sutter Family Medicine who are seeking information about […]
Spotlight Sacramento Presents “Daring Greatly In Eating Disorder Treatment”
Eating Recovery Center 3610 American River Dr., Suite 140, Sacramento, CA, United StatesPresented by: Jennifer Lombardi, MFT, CEDS, FBT Certified, Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator-Candidate & Julia Perez, MFT, Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator-Candidate. This presentation will provide an overview of understanding eating disorder treatment through The Daring Way™. The Daring Way is a highly experiential method utilizing the research of Dr. Brene Brown, author of Daring Greatly and […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Trauma in Men and Treatment Using a Brief Intervention Model. Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is marked by clear biological changes as well as psychological symptoms. It is complicated by the fact that people with PTSD may often develop additional disorders such as depression, substance abuse, and problems with memory and cognition. This disorder […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Mindfulness: The Art of Being Present and Learning to Let Go. Today’s society seems to be bringing more and more demands that cause people to become stressed, worried, anxious, and overwhelmed. Getting lost in all that life brings seems to be a more common response than letting go, being in the moment, and focusing […]
OCD Sacramento Presents~ “An Introduction to the Treatment of Academic Perfectionism”
10419 Old Placerville Road, Suite 258, Sacramento, CA, United StatesPresented by Dr. Ashleigh Golden, Psy.D. Dysfunctional Academic Perfectionism (DAP) is a widespread problem among adolescent and young adults populations immersed in today's high-pressure school and university culture. DAP can impede social and psychological functioning, and, ironically, increase academic difficulties. Learn how to identify the differences between perfectionism and healthy striving and take an active […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show~ “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Drunk Driving: One of the Top Ten Killers in The US. Every day in America, 27 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. 50-70 percent of those who are arrested for drunk drinking will drive under the influence again and the rate of drunk driving is highest among 26 to 29 year […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show~ “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Abusive Relationships: How to Recognize the Warning Signs and What You Can Do. Many people don't realize they are in an abusive relationship until they are in so deep that they don't know what to do. The emotional impact can lead to depression, isolation, post traumatic stress, and substance abuse problems. The physical effects […]
Tame The Tiger: How to Manage Anxiety and Stress
University of the Pacific 601 Pacific Ave, Stockton, CA, United StatesPresented by Dr. Robin Zasio, Psy.D., LCSW. Anxiety does not have to ruin your life. Improve performance and happiness by learning how to manage stress, recognize the difference between stress and anxiety, and signs to look out for that should suggest seeking help. Geared toward college students.
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Treating Generalized Anxiety that Occurs in Everyday Life. Anxiety is part of the human condition and cannot be avoided. At the same time, it keeps us safe and protects us from danger. Sometimes though, it can escalate to a point that it begins to interfere with one's daily functioning. It can cause excessive worry […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show~ “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Taming the Family Dynamics. Guest: Joanna Jullien, Author/Speaker/Educator. Kids are more anxious and prone to mental health problems as mobile connectivity ushers into our hearts and minds the adult issues of isolation, bullying, addictions and exploitation. In this networked, global culture of devices and apps that hypes fear emotion, we and our children will […]
OCD Awareness Week Therapist Networking Event
10419 Old Placerville Road, Suite 258, Sacramento, CA, United StatesThe OCD Sacramento Foundation, on behalf of The International OCD Foundation, is honored to host its annual networking event in commemoration of OCD Awareness Week held between October 10-14, 2016. Sponsored by The Anxiety Treatment Center of Sacramento and Roseville, Azure Acres, Timberline Knolls, Eating Recovery Center, and Black Stallion Winery, this celebration is for […]
Strategies to Effective Outcome When Struggling with Agoraphobia/Claustrophobia
Symptoms of agoraphobia and claustrophobia are far more common that people may realize. Resulting in the inability to leave ones home, go places that previously presented with no problems at all, isolation, and depression, those who struggle with these symptoms often alter their lives to accommodate the discomfort. This broadcast will help listeners better recognize […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: How Sexual Addiction (and any addiction) Undermines Healthy Intimacy It is estimated that nearly 12 million people in the United States suffer from sex addiction. Usually one engages in compulsive sexual behavior to cope, self-medicate, or escape from emotional or psychological pain as a result of loneliness, boredom, stress, anxiety, depression, anger, or abuse […]
OCD Sacramento- “Barriers in Treatment”
10419 Old Placerville Road, Suite 258, Sacramento, CA, United StatesPresented by Elizabeth Dale. A discussion of some of the internal (ie shame) and external (ie insurance) barriers to effective treatment.
Listen (rescheduled for a later date)
Arden Middle School 1640 Watt Ave , Sacramento, CA, United StatesNote: The LISTEN preview is rescheduled for a later date. Please check back for updates. Come and join us as we preview the film- LISTEN. On September 15, 2008, the son of Lisa Ford Berry, Michael, became a victim of a peer abuse driven bullycide. He shot himself on his 17th birthday at Mira Loma […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: How to Live a More Joyful and Fulfilling Life and Not Let the Past Hold You Back. Are you struggling with negative thinking patterns or perceptions that are holding you back from experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful life? Do you feel stuck with situations from the past and have a desire to better […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: How to Navigate the Devastating Process of Divorce. The divorce rate in the United States is the highest in the world. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Sixty-seven percent of all second marriages end in divorce. The psychological impact on those going through the divorce and that of their children can cause anxiety, […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Near Death Experiences: One Man's Journey. Near-death experiences, or NDEs, are controversial. Thousands of people have had them, but many in the scientific community have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those people. A highly trained neurosurgeon who had operated on thousands of brains in the course of his […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Turning Tragedy in Triumph: One Man's Journey of Inspiration. Have you ever felt that nothing in your life is going well and you can’t catch a break? Do you feel that no matter where you turn there's just lemons being thrown at you? Have you ever felt that things have just gone so wrong […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: Survival: Staying Positive When It Just Doesn't seem to be Getting Any Better. Relationships alone can be difficult. But, when you go from having a child, to divorce, to abuse, to multiple surgeries and depression, it can be challenging to stay positive and hopeful. Join me and my guest Kathryn Chalmers, who knows this […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: The Return from War; The Devastation and Recovery. We hear so much about the war in the news. However, if we are not connected to someone who has actually served, all we know is what we hear. While we can try to relate, we can only imagine what it must be like. Join my […]
The Dr. Robin Zasio Show “Mental Health Matters”
AM 1380 THE ANSWERTopic: How Steadfast Conviction and Perseverance Leads to Achievement. At 16, Jessica Melore suffered a sudden massive heart attack while at a restaurant with her family. Then co-captain of her high school tennis team, she went from an uneventful medical history to not being expected to live through the night. For nine months she lived […]